
Giving Up Is Never An Option

Life! It is a series of events, good or bad, in your favor or against you some times too. But what would life be if it was predictable?  People in today’s time are going through anything and everything, and in their own perspective life is hard! Dealing with it is extremely tiring, the next morning haunts them! To the point that they become insomniac in the anxiety of what happens tomorrow, and this is certainly not an exaggeration. People are going through things- anxiety, depression and what not! But the question is, what is the reason? What is their thought process to be going through something like this? What is the person seeing the other person struggling supposed to do? Is he supposed to comfort him? Just let him be? Or try to make him understand that whatever he is feeling is nothing but a phase and it will pass? Honestly the last thing a person needs to be and wants to be told is that whatever he is going through is just a phase. May be it is! But do we have to spell it out in